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Client Onboarding

It all starts with hello. 

Step 1. Value Conversation

How our process works  >>>>

After reviewing our onboarding process, reach out to begin a relationship.

This is a private, confidential meeting between the potential client's side with the partners of our firm. We can get this meeting on the calendar within the first week of inquiry. During the Value Conversation, we do not discuss technical services, but rather we discuss our client's vision and heart for the future. We want to know their plans, goals, their joys and how they perceive themselves in a relationship with us. 

Step 2. Research & Pricing

We then step back into our firm and explore our potential client's feedback by researching them online, gathering some additional technical data, talking about their goals & future, and determine how we could best serve them. We handcraft options for every client and ask them to review and make any adjustments and commit at a minimum of 12 months to our relationship as we draft our prices each.

Step 3. Presentation

We share our thoughts with our potential new partners as to how we will serve them and at what price we will be asking to be paid. This step is not set in concrete, as we work collaboratively back and forth to share our options and then work to build the option that most reflects what they need. This process can take up to a week or more to clearly define a scope and price that reflects the true need. There will often be services and offerings that have never been asked for as we are experts in growth, and we bring ideas that we believe will transform our clients into stronger business owners.

Step 4. Scoping & Contracting

Everything we do is for a purpose, so we then take another week to contractually define what we've promised to do and how we intend to serve. We define our services in detail and then make sure our client understands the language of our relationship. We believe clarity is the driver of success with our client relationship, so we spend the necessary time to make sure our contract matches expectations and understanding. We all sign a Client Agreement before we begin the scope, and as we collect the financial information to begin our drafts for up front assessments or initial projects. 

Step 5. Kickoff

Our clients will be assigned their very own accountant who will be their dedicated bookkeeper who leads the fulfillment of their contract. Of course, there is always the leadership team and owners backing up our accountants to ensure success and adherence to the contract. We invite the client to a presentation with h their accountant who will be servicing them. We greet each other (virtually), celebrate, and then let our accountants begin their work of service. It's a breath of fresh air to walk through the Onboarding phase and get to the place to embrace service with amazingly aligned clients and a firm that is ready to serve!

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